On 25 November 2021, the Cabinet has announced that no further concession will be allowed and as such ZEP holders will no longer be able to extend their permits in terms of this special dispensation. The Department of Home Affairs have granted a 12-month grace period from the current ZEP expiry to allow permit holder to apply for a visa in a different category to allow them to legally reside in the country.


Olwen Bruss
General Manager of Immigration at Xpatweb

On 2 September the Minister of the Department of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, announced a last change further 6 month grace period to allow ZEP holders to regularise their status by applying for a main stream visa category.

ZEP Permit Background

The Zimbabwean special dispensation started in 2009 and was called the Dispensation for Zimbabwe Permit. It provided for the documentation of qualifying Zimbabweans for a five-year period.

The permits were extended in 2014 for a further three-year period until 2017 and called the Zimbabwean Special Permit. The current Zimbabwean Exemption Permits were issued in 2017 and expire on 31 December 2021

Next Step For ZEP Holders

ZEP holders have been granted a grace period to 30 June 2023 to apply for a visa in terms of the Immigration Act of 2002, as amended, subject to qualifying for an alternative visa category based on the requirements and minimum qualifying criteria.

ZEP holders may qualify for the following types of visas:

  • Spousal / Life Partner Visa with Work Authorisation (if married or in a permanent relationship with a South African Citizen / Permanent Resident, subject to conditions).
  • Relative’s Visa (if related to a South African Citizen / Permanent Resident who is either spouse, parent or child).
  • Critical Skills Work Visa (if holder of critical skills as set out in the Gazetted Critical Skills List issued by DHA).
  • General Work Visa (if offered South African employment and approved by Department of Labour, subject to assessment).
  • Study Visa (if enrolled /accepted to take up studies at a registered educational institute in South Africa).
  • Business Visa (where you have your own business and meet the investment and labour requirements)
  • Retired Person Visa (where the applicant has income exceeding R37,000 per month from a pension, irrevocable annuity or other income source)

Requirements To Proceed With Waiver Submission

Where you wish to proceed with the Ministerial announced submission category, the following next steps is required –

  1. Formal engagement letter, non-disclosure agreement and invoicing
  2. Full details on the law, category of application and technical aspects
  3. Checklist and description of the documentation required
  4. Cover letter template and example
  5. Motivation letter templates and examples
  6. Compilation of the application in the proper form ready for submission to DHA
  7. Addition to our tracking schedule with the DHA, including being kept up to date on formal legal developments

To proceed, please complete your details below and we will share with you the costs and our engagement letter for signature.

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